About Me

photo credit Sarah Tolson Photography

Hey there, I’m Robyn.

This is my Nest.

I call it the Nest because it’s here in this closed-in, opened-up safe place where my wings flutter down and my songs call out. It’s here in this nest of broken twigs discarded by others that I’ve woven life together and covered experience with down to call it my own. This Nest is held in the Father’s Hand. It’s where I am filled with His love and presence, and where I write words that I hope will bless the world like the calls of other robins have blessed me. The Nest is my place, and I hope that by offering it, you’ll find a safe place for your fluttering heart and your honest song, too.

I have been married my Guy since 2000 (which makes remembering how long we’ve been married easy!) and he’s my best friend. He’s the one who brings out the best in me and also the worst – but sometimes the worst needs to be brought out so it can go out! I have two fantastic children whom I adore – the Girl and the Boy. I thought my heart could love until they were born – and then I really got schooled.

God teaches me every day, and I am a lifelong student. My Guy rolls his eyes when I ask, ” … and what did you LEARN?” but the reason I ask is because I firmly believe that Jesus is Rabbi – He’s always going to be instructing us, for as long as we’re earthside. Part of why I write here is because I have a feeling that other people might want to learn too, and maybe I can pass along a few seeds of goodness, hope, even wisdom that I’ve received from Him. But I also encourage you to ask God for confirmation of whatever you read here. Look for yourself in the Bible, ask Him about things that might not sit right with you. I’ve been wrong a time or two. *wink*

I am passionate about Jesus, Church, the Broken and Lost, financial stewardship, and helping others with their health. Sometimes I write about what I’m learning about natural wellness, essential oils, healthy eating, and exercise. I invite you to be a good steward of your Temple – the place where God inhabits you with His Spirit if you are His child. People in history and even now are assigned the task of caring for church buildings and sacred places, yet we often neglect the proper care of our bodies. I’m ashamed that I’ve defiled this temple with my choices, but I’m dedicated to learning and sharing as much as I can so I can care for it better. Why? Because God is Worthy. And I don’t need any other reason

Thanks for visiting the Nest. I’m honored that you’d spend your time here in my safe and sacred space with me.

The Nest is where I make all my magic. And all my mistakes too. The cool thing? You get to be privy to all of it! My prayer is that it helps you find a safe place to learn, share stories and feedback, and find authentic connection and belonging here. There’s plenty of room!

I started this Nest because I’ve found a bunch of “unsafe” places online – places where comparison, competition, bashing, and trashing happen, and I’m just not about it. People need to be encouraged, loved, served, challenged (lovingly), and coached.

No way.

Things I can’t do:

  1. Take beautiful photos. Sorry – just about everything you see here is borrowed, bought, or stolen. Hopefully not much of the latter, but sometimes it happens on accident. The good news is at least I don’t make you look at the crappy stuff I take. You can ask my daughter – I suck at photography!
  2. Be someone else. I’ve finally (after 40 years) learned how to be myself, be happy with that self, and thank the God who made her. If you’re looking for someone who tries her best to live out her purpose, then stay and hang out. If you want someone pretending to be better or different or perfect – my Nest probably isn’t your cup of tea. No hard feelings – we can still be friends!
  3. Make assumptions. I refuse to assume, so I ask a lot of questions. I hope you’ll join the conversation so I can learn a little more about you and what makes you soar. Pretty much one of the worst things I could do to you would be to make a choice for you – so I don’t. I present your options and let you choose. I find it’s really the only way to be a good human.

Things I can do (pretty well, I might add):

  1. Write stuff. I’ve always loved writing – ever since I was a little girl. Words come naturally for me, and when I’m writing I feel energized. My style is simple and hopefully easy to relate to and find yourself in, as opposed to fancy or poetic. I prefer to READ fancy and poetic, but I like to write simply and succinctly. I want to be understood, but even more – I want to understand my reader. If I can be good at the latter, I’ll be a rock star at the former! Check out my first novel, Consuming Fire: The Story of Josiah, King of Judah
  2. Help people feel better. Whether it’s essential oils, herbal supplements, prayer, encouraging notes, hugs, smiles, or my voice – my superpower is helping people feel better. If you were to ask people who are closest to me, they’d agree – God has given me a gift that leaves the world a better place when I use it. So I do. I hook people up with natural remedies for their health issues, I pray, I write, I speak, I touch … and when I’m done people tell me “I feel so much better now.” I’m not bragging – it’s just who I was made to be and what I was made to do. See #2 above, under “Things I Can’t Do”.
  3. Coach people. Not sports – heck no! I coach leaders, volunteers, and sales pros. And I’m not too shabby either. My coaching style is encouraging, yet realistic and the people I coach get results and find success, as long as they do the work and listen to all my advice. Well, maybe not that last part, but seriously – if I had a dime for every time I bit my tongue instead of saying “I told you so” — I’d have a gazillion dollars to go along with my stubby tongue! I can see what needs to be done, coach people to accomplish it, and encourage them when their dreams come true.